By Kernel 7 On August 9th, 2013
This guide assumes you already have the following:
+ Linux RPM-based system
+ NTP Synchronization
+ Internet Access for “Google Authenticator” API
[1] Install pre-requisites for “Google Authenticator“:
yum install gcc pam-devel subversion python-devel git
[2] Install Google Authenticator PAM module:
mkdir /tmp/google-authenticator
cd /tmp/google-authenticator/
git clone
cd google-authenticator/libpam/
make && make install
[3] Setup SSH’s PAM to use Google Authenticator:
vi /etc/pam.d/sshd
At the beginning, add:
auth required
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change the following:
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
Change the following:
UsePAM yes
Change the following:
PubkeyAuthentication no
service sshd restart
[4] Setup Google Authenticator for any user that will have access to the system (i.e. jdoe):
su – jdoe
+ Note your “Secret Key”, “Verification Code”, and “Scratch Codes”.
+ Answer “y”, “y”, “n”, “y”.
[5] Test SSH Login with the user configured (i.e. jdoe):
+ Setup the Google Authenticator on your Smart Phone
+ Launch an SSH session to login with “jdoe”
+ Enter the Verification Code from Google Authenticator (Smart Phone)
+ Enter your Linux password
Posted in General, GNU/Linux, Security | Comments Off on Authenticate SSH with “Google Authenticator” OTP
By Kernel 7 On April 28th, 2013
VMware ESX/ESXi patches can be applied easily through the CLI.
As a pre-requisite for this guide, you need to enable SSH access to the ESX/ESXi host.
[1] Download the necessary patches from VMware’s web site:
[2] Browse the ESX/ESXi host’s storage and upload the patches to the “/DATA_STORE_LOCATION/esxi-patches/” folder.
[3] Shutdown all the VMs and put the ESX/ESXi host in “Maintenance Mode”.
[4] Apply the patches one after the other in the order they were released, using the following command in the SSH CLI:
ESX/ESXi v4.x :: esxupdate –bundle=/DATA_STORE_LOCATION/esxi-patches/ update
ESX/ESXi v5.x :: esxcli software vib update -d “/DATA_STORE_LOCATION/esxi-patches/”
[5] Reboot the vSphere/ESX/ESXi host if required by the patches installed.
Posted in General, Virtualization | Comments Off on VMware ESX/ESXi Host Updates via CLI
By Kernel 7 On January 6th, 2012
Nagios is particularly complicated itself in scheduling a downtime, and automating it is a pain.
Here is an easy to use PHP script that will make scheduling a breeze:
[1] Download the “Downtime Scheduling Utility” and extract it to your preferred location:
[2] To schedule a maintenance, here is a template:
./nagios_down.php -h ‘host-server-001′ -f -b ’03:00 23 January 2012′ -e ’03:30 23 January 2012’ -a ‘John Doe’ -c ‘Monthly Maintenance for Windows Patches’
This will put the host “host-server-001” in maintenance mode for 30 minutes on January 23rd, 2012, between 03:00 AM and 03:30 AM, with “John Doe” as the person responsible for logging the downtime, and “Monthly Maintenance for Windows Patches” as a comment.
[3] You can automate the process using Cron or your Custom GUI if any.
Posted in General, GNU/Linux | Comments Off on Nagios Downtime Scheduling (PHP)
By Kernel 7 On November 1st, 2011
As a last resort to fix log space issues, stop “syslog”, delete the logs in question, start “syslog”.
Here is an example for Debian:
/etc/init.d/rsyslog stop && rm -rf /var/log/daemon* && sync && /etc/init.d/rsyslog start
Schedule it when necessary.
Posted in GNU/Linux | Comments Off on Delete & Flush Logs under GNU/Linux
By Kernel 7 On June 8th, 2009
[+] Secure ISC BIND Template:
[+] Secure BGP Template for Cisco Routers:
[+] Secure BGP Template for Juniper Routers:
[+] Secure IOS Template:
[+] Secure JunOS Template:
Posted in General | Comments Off on Security Templates for BGP, BIND, IOS, JunOS
By Kernel 7 On June 2nd, 2009
As you already know, “mysqldump” is nifty command. The following examle script should be scheduled to run daily via “cron” to backup all your MySQL Databases in a SQL file like “MySQL-Dump—v2009-06-02.sql” and compress it to save on space:
mysqldump –host=YOUR_MYSQL_HOST –port=YOUR_MYSQL_PORT –user=root \
–password=YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD –add-drop-database –add-drop-table –comments –force \
–all-databases > /YOUR_BACKUP_LOCATION/MySQL-Dump—v`date +”%Y-%m-%d”`.sql ; \
gzip /YOUR_BACKUP_LOCATION/MySQL-Dump—v`date +”%Y-%m-%d”`.sql
Posted in GNU/Linux | Comments Off on Daily Backup of All MySQL Databases !
By Kernel 7 On June 1st, 2009
If you want to reveal hidden/illicit content (parasites) that hackers insert into benign web pages using various security holes, use the following site, you might just be surprised:
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